Challenge Settings

The Challenge Settings page allows you to configure various aspects of your challenge to ensure it aligns with your business goals and customer engagement strategies. Below are the available settings:

General Settings

  • Challenge Name: Enter the name of the challenge (e.g., 2024 Summer Challenge, New Member Challenge).

  • Customer Display URI: Specify the ending of your challenge URL. If not provided, this defaults to the challenge name. This value must be unique and cannot be shared across challenges. Note that changing this value for an already launched challenge will affect previously shared links.

  • Description: Provide a detailed description of the challenge.

  • Fine Print: Include any important terms and conditions related to the challenge.

  • Join Success Message: Specify the message displayed after someone successfully joins the challenge.

  • Ineligible Message: Specify the message shown to users who do not meet the criteria to join the challenge.

  • Completion Message: Specify the message displayed when someone completes the challenge.

  • Incomplete Message (Optional): Specify the message displayed when someone does not complete the challenge.

Participation Restrictions

  • Must Join Rewards Program to Participate?: Select Yes or No to determine if participants must be enrolled in the rewards program.

  • Include Transactions at Only These Locations: Select the locations where the challenge is applicable.

Date Restrictions

  • Start Date: Optional. This date cannot be changed after the challenge is launched.

  • End Date: Optional. Define the end date for the challenge.

Membership Settings (If Enabled in Advanced Settings)

  • Must Be a Currently Active Member to Participate?: Select Yes or No to determine if participants need to be an active member.

  • Restrict Participation to Members from These Locations: Select the locations where eligible members must be from.

  • Use Member’s Join Date to Determine Challenge Start Date?: Toggle to Yes to make the challenge start and end dates specific to each individual member. For example, the challenge could start immediately upon joining and end 30 days later. Note that members will only be able to join if they have sufficient time to complete the challenge.

    • Start the Challenge This Many Days After the Member’s Join Date: Set this to zero if you want the challenge to start the same day the member joins.

    • End the Challenge This Many Days After the Member’s Join Date: Define the number of days after the member’s join date when the challenge will end.

This page provides all the settings necessary to tailor your challenge to your business needs and customer preferences.

Last updated