
The roles for business staff and their permissions are described below. Please note that if you're attempting to perform an action in Perkville for which you lack the necessary permissions, please seek assistance from a staff member who holds the required role.

Front desk role

  • Points and vouchers

    • Mark vouchers as used

    • Redeem points for customers

  • Customer account management

    • Add and invite customers

    • Add and remove emails from pending accounts

    • Change primary email address

    • Edit names on pending accounts

    • Transfer account details (e.g. membership details and sent referrals) except for points

  • Referrals

    • View referrals

    • Submit referrals

  • Run reports

Employee role

The Employee role can do everything that the "Front desk" role can do as well as the following:

  • Points and vouchers

    • Add points for customers

    • Add and redeem points for customers in bulk

  • Customer account management

    • Log activity for customers

    • Void transactions

    • Transfer account details including points

    • Export customer list

Admin role

The Admin role can do everything that the "Employee" role can do as well as the following:

Email only

This role is intended for cases where the business requires a reply-to email address that does not correspond to an individual, such as a generic support email. It is configured solely for this purpose and should not have any permissions within Perkville apart from serving as a designated reply-to address for emails sent from our platform.

Last updated